Dear Madam / Dear Sir,

The organization of the V edition of the "World Beer Challenge -  International Brewery Awards 2015" to be held in Estoril , 23th, 24th, 25th and 26th, June, announces that the registrations are open.

The samples submitted to the contest must be delivered by May 31, 2015.

The regulation and all information can be found on our website -

Registration form  |  Prices   |  Jury   |  Stamps



  • The World Beer News will sponsor the next editions of World Beer Challenge starting from January 2015
  • To celebrate this sponsorship, we are pleased to offer the first 100 companies who sign up, free registration with maximum of 2 Beers for each company.
  • You should check the rules of the competition regarding the required number of bottles, analysis report, your shipment and payment of customs duties and shipping.

Yours sincerely, 

Antonio José da Silva
CEO of the V Edition of the "World Beer Challenge 2015




Menu Magazine Edições Periódicas Unipessoal Limitada

Telefones +351-309.977.825 Fax +351-214.571.097 | Service 24/7 - 351-918.224.889 |

P.O.Box 1020 | 2776-810 Parede | Portugal









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